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Download Attribute Changer 9.10e

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attribute changer
attribute changer

DARFILE.COM – Attribute Changer is a Windows file manager utility that can help users to quickly change file and folder attributes that can be accessed through Windows Explorer.

With this application you can replace various file attributes such as: date of modification, date of manufacture, and date of last access and change of attributes such as hidden, hidden, read only, or system attributes that cannot be seen and like a protected file system.

How to use this program is quite easy, just download the attribute changer application, then install it on your laptop / computer. Then you can change the attributes of a file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the “Attribute Changer” menu. Very easy and practical, this application is very small and free.

Attribute Changer Software provides a location to edit attributes of one file or in bulk. Although still the way to access it is the same through right-clicking on a file or folder in Windows Explorer, but its features are easier to use and more complete.

Starting from changing the type whether it will be hidden or not, protected so that it cannot be deleted, rename the file / folder to a certain format such as all uppercase letters, equalize the time it was taken on EXIF ​​data and many more. The average can be done in bulk too.

This application is often used to standardize the file naming system and also to synchronize the time the file was created. Although the impression is trivial but when needed to tidy up files and folders will feel very useful.

Download Attribute Changer

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