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Download Comodo BackUp

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comodo backup
comodo backup

DARFILE.COM – Comodo Backup Free Edition is a software for backing up data online and offline. Cloud based, you can save backup data on the Comodo server using an account that can be registered for free.

Here you can backup your important files in a safe server, to anticipate damage to your laptop or PC. Even though we can now backup the flashdisk or external HDD. But of course the flash drive or external hard drive can be damaged. So there is no harm if you also add your storage online.

This Comodo backup has 2 backup solutions in one application, offline and online, with online methods you don’t have to bother carrying flasdisk or external hard drive, just you are connected to the internet and you can open it from anywhere.

For the free version, you will get a capacity of 5 GB and can be used indefinitely. After logging in, you will get access to the Comodo server via Explorer just like accessing a storage media such as a hard disk.

Ease of backup on the system starting from files / directories, registry to partition. You can also schedule the backup process so you don’t have to do it manually again. The results of the data backup that has been done can be protected using a password so that the data will be safer.

Download Comodo BackUp

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