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Download Comodo IceDragon

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comodo icedragon
comodo icedragon

DARFILE.COM – Comodo IceDragon is a very fast Internet browser and is designed using the Mozilla engine / platform that displays several security enhancements from Comodo security.

Internet security is a major concern for all internet users. Attacks from malicious content on various sites become a phenomenon that can now occur. Comodo IceDragon safeguards your privacy and sensitive information such as logging into certain sites such as social networking, access to bank accounts and others. You can stay protected from all of this only by using the Comodo IceDragon browser.

Comodo is not a foreign company in the field of software security. Likewise with Firefox, which is one of the most popular browsers today. What if Firefox’s browsing capabilities are combined with Comodo Security’s toughness? The answer is in Comodo IceDragon!

Some of Comodo IceDragon’s features:

  • ComodoSecureDNS: This is a free built-in feature in this Application! This feature allows the browser to alert the user if the site being visited is indicated as a malicious program.
  • SiteInspector: This is a feature to scan any site to detect harmful content in it.
  • Turn off Crash Report and Performance Data Submissions to maintain user privacy.

During the installation process you will be given the option to use Comodo SecureDNS. Comodo SecureDNS is a DNS that is provided free of charge by Comodo with the aim of increasing your security when surfing the internet. SecureDNS will block various types of malware, spyware, phishing, and other dangerous sites that you accidentally visit.

Download Comodo IceDragon

Download the Latest Free Comodo IceDragon by clicking the button below.

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