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Download FBackup

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DARFILE.COM – FBackup is an automatic backup program that protects your important files, besides being easy to operate, this tool also offers speed and various other features that make it easier for you to store backup data.

FBackup is free for personal and commercial use and does not have a 3rd party program combined with it or any other interference. This means that when you install this program only that will be installed and you can start making backups immediately when you click the Backup button from the main interface.

This application uses a standard type of compression, ZIP, to store your data. Unlike other programs that make their own format, with FBackup, you can always be calm because the stored data can be returned with any ZIP utility. Of course, FBackup provides a way to protect your data with a password, so only you can access it.

To use the backup wizard, you must configure the backup data, where to store data, and how long it is stored. This means that after you specify a backup job, you can schedule it to run automatically so you don’t have to bother manually backing it up. You will receive a report if the backup has an error or warning, so if something goes wrong, you can make repairs.

Download FBackup

Download the Latest Free FBackup by clicking the button below.

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