Home PC SOFTWARE Office | Management Download FileZilla 3.42.0

Download FileZilla 3.42.0

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DARFILE.COM – FileZilla is a free Data Transfer (FTP) application that is used to move data / files from the local computer to the server / hosting.

This program offers support for firewall and proxy connections as well as SSL and GSS Security. Additional features include ascii / binary automatic transfers and more. A program that is suitable for beginners and expert users such as webmaster admins.

For a blogger or admin of a web that has its own hosting, this one tool is widely used for ease of uploading files, editing html code and so on.

How to use Filezilla is very easy:

  1. Enter the Host, Username, and Password that you have.
  2. Host: Fill in your domain (without www) or server IP
  3. Username: Enter your cPanel username.
  4. Password: Enter the password.
  5. Port: Clear the Port, to use the default port only
  6. Then click Quick Connect to enter your FTP access
  7. Wait until Status is successfull.

The advantage of using Filezilla is that we can monitor the progress of file transfer and its transfer speed, so that if there are files that are not transferred properly for reasons of a broken internet connection, we can repeat the file (No need to relocate all files or folders).

Download FileZilla

Download the Latest Free FileZilla by clicking the button below.

DOWNLOAD [32-bit] [7.53MB] DOWNLOAD [64-bit] [7.56MB]

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