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Download GameSave Manager 3.1.455.0

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gamesave manager
gamesave manager

DARFILE.COM – GameSave Manager is a software that can be used to back up, restore and transfer GameSave data from saved digital games.

There are things that are very annoying when you play the game but there are cases of loss of the save file or profile file that you have created. Even sadder if it turns out your game level is far enough or maybe you have a high rank.

If that happens, then inevitably you have to repeat the mission or level that has already been passed. This application is the best game manager for you.

Gamesave Manager Features:

  1. 100% FREE. Free adware and spyware … 100% free.
  2. No dependances. Gamesave Manager doesn’t need other software like. NET Framework is installed to run it.
  3. Interesting but easy to use GUI. GUI (Graphical User Interface) is designed around navigation and ease of use.
  4. Built-in Update Checker. Optional complete: Check for Program (and Database) updates on Startup Programs.
  5. Regular Database Update. The database is forever expanding, so it is always updated.
  6. FTP Support. Automatically uploads backups to the private FTP Server when you create them.
  7. 7-Zip Support. Enable 7-Zip support for each time theorecticaly backups so that files are smaller.
  8. Backup Validation. Check whether a particular Backup Archive can be restored without problems by running each gameave test and caching. This feature runs by default on a created Backup Archive.
  9. DropBox Support. Connected to Dropbox as storage media.

Download GameSave Manager

Download the Latest Free GameSave Manager by clicking the button below.

DOWNLOAD [32/64-bit] [7.62MB]

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