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Download Glary Utilities

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glary utilities
glary utilities

DARFILE.COM – Glary Utilities is one of the tools to improve, maximize performance, monitor and protect the system on your laptop or PC.

Maintenance of computers and laptops is not only treating the hardware (hardware) only. Software maintenance also needs to be done to support our computer’s performance so that it remains optimal. At present, there are many software functions that treat computers (software utilities). The examples are very popular, such as Tune Up Utilities and Ccleaner.

With Glary, you can clean up junk files, as well as an invalid registry. It is also possible for users to make arrangements (manage) and delete add-ons in the browser, analyze the use of storage media, and search for duplicate files or data.

Furthermore, Glary Utilities has menu options for optimizing memory, searching / repairing / removing damaged shortcuts on Windows, managing programs that run automatically (Windows startup), and uninstalling programs.

You can also manage and delete browser add-ons, analyze disk usage and analyze and search for duplicate files which will certainly reduce your hard disk space. Besides that this application will speed up the Windows boot process.

The features you can get include:

  1. Disk Cleaner Removes trash (like the Disk Cleanup windowa facility).
  2. Registry Cleaner Scan and clean your registry to improve computer system performance.
  3. Fix boot errors at start up.
  4. Startup Manager to manage programs that run automatically at startup.
  5. Track Eraser removes all traces, evidence, cookies, internet history and more.

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