Home PC SOFTWARE Browser | Network Download Google Chrome 77.0.3865.120

Download Google Chrome 77.0.3865.120

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google chrome
google chrome

DARFILE.COM – Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimalist design with advanced technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

This computer software has advantages in speed and attractive appearance. Behind its minimalist and simple appearance, Google Chrome has a myriad of features that are equivalent to browser applications or often called other modern web browsers.

Features like multitab, bookmarks, and features to add functionality through extensions can be found. This application is also integrated with several Google services, such as web page translation features automatically included in Indonesian and Google search.

Features & Strengths of Google Chrome:

1. One browser for everything

Type in the address bar and you will get suggestions for searches and web pages.

2. Faster and easier to access

Access your favorite pages with significant speed from each new tab.

3. Incognito mode

Don’t want the page you are visiting to appear in your web history / history? Select incognito mode for Private Browsing or in other languages ​​on Mozilla Firefox is private browsing.

4. Safe browsing

Google Chrome will warn you if you will visit the web that is suspected of containing phishing, malware or similar sites that are not safe according to Google.

Download Google Chrome

Download the Latest Google Chrome by clicking the button below.

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