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Download Inkscape 1.0

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DARFILE.COM – Inkscape is a vector graphics editor software similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw or Freehand using the standard W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format.

For its own features, it seems that it is not inferior to similar paid applications such as CorelDraw or Illustrator, and because this application is specialized in processing files with .svg images, the results of the images are better and softer.

This freeware is cross platform so it can run on many operating systems such as Unix, Windows, Mac OS X.

Some features of Inkscape:

  • Complete tool for basic objects, such as pencil tools, pen tools, rectangle tools, polygon tools, and text tools.
  • Export and import bitmap images (png, jpeg, bmp).
  • object copy operation.
  • Depictions of special objects, such as spirals and 3-dimensional squares.
  • Many color choices. By default this program is equipped with a color panel called Palette we can see for ourselves when we open the program. The colors that are often used will line up at the beginning and be followed by other colors from bright colors to dark colors.
  • Document View. Unlike other software for viewing document files that are generated, you need to open the program directly. Inkscape document files can be viewed on Web Broser Software on your computer because the file generated by Inkscape is SVG that meets XML standards. so it’s no wonder it can be opened on a Web browser software like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Download Inkscape

Download the Latest Free Inkscape by clicking the button below.

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