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Download Listary 5.00.2843

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DARFILE.COM – Listary is software that you can use to find a file or folder by typing in some of the letters contained in the file that you are looking for.

Your file is missing? Wait a minute. It could be that the file is not lost, it’s just that maybe you forgot to put it where. If you look for it manually, it will be dizzy and immediately create emotions. If you have a lot of files and folders on your computer, then of course sometimes you will have trouble finding a file or folder, and Windows Search also can not provide optimal results, especially if the file or folder you are looking for is in a folder that has many files and folders. .

But you can use Listary as a way to quickly find the files and folders you want. This application is a Freeware for personal use and easy to use. After you install it on your laptop / computer, then try to open a folder on your PC, then type one of the characters, then immediately Listary will display a list of files or folders according to the character you typed.

You can also double-click on the desktop to bring up the Pop Up Listary Menu and then you can browse the menus that are displayed such as Computer, Recent, Currently open folder and Smart.

This software search process is quite fast. Besides that, how to use it is also quite easy and not confusing.

Licence Freeware
Developer Bopsoft
Operating System Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

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