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DARFILE.COM – The Microsoft .NET Framework is a component needed by the Windows Operating System to run various applications that we usually encounter on newer systems from Windows itself.
In a programming application there are trillions of lines of code, the more complex a programming application, the more line codes. Microsoft then opened its bank program bundled in the Framework, this program contains basic programming that can be used by every programmer. So, a programmer does not have to make from scratch a programming command, just by calling the programming that is already in the Microsoft .NET Framework.
The .NET Framework is designed to meet the following objectives:
- To provide a consistent work environment for object-oriented programming languages both object code is stored and executed locally, or executed locally but distributed via the internet or executed remotely.
- Minimizing the deployment software process and avoiding conflicts of use for the software version created.
- To provide a safe work environment in terms of executing code, including codes made by third parties.
- Reducing problems with performance issues from the code or from the interpreter environment.
- Make developers easier to develop various types of applications that are more varied, such as windows-based applications and web-based applications.
- Build all communications that exist within industry standards to ensure that all application code based on the .NET Framework can integrate with various other application codes.
Licence | Freeware |
Developer | Microsoft |
Operating System | Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 |
Download Microsoft .NET Framework
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