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Download MySQL for Windows 8.0.17

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mysql for windows
mysql for windows

DARFILE.COM – MySQL for windows is a multithread and multiuser SQL database management system (DBMS), the world’s most popular open source database for important business websites and systems that is distributed free of charge.

The reliability of a database system (DBMS) can be seen from the way the optimizer works in the process of SQL commands made by users and application programs that use them. As a database server, MySQL for Windows supports both transactional database operations and non-transactional database operations.

Whereas RDBMS or Relationship Database Management System is one type of DBMS that supports relationships or relationships between tables. Besides RDBMS, there are other types of DBMS, for example Hierarchy DBMS, Object Oriented DBMS, etc.

MySQL Strengths and Privileges:

  1. Multi-user. MySQL can be used by several users at the same time without experiencing problems or conflicts.
  2. Performance tuning, MySQL has an amazing speed in handling simple queries, in other words it can process more SQL per unit time.
  3. Security. MySQL has several layers of security such as encrypted passwords.
  4. Connectivity. MySQL for Windows can connect with clients using the TCP / IP protocol, Unix socket (UNIX), or named pipes (NT).
  5. Table structure. MySQL has a table structure that is more flexible in handling ALTER TABLE, compared to other databases such as PostgreSQL.

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