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Download PCMAV 10.2.9

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DARFILE.COM – PCMAV is one of the antivirus made in Indonesia which is quite popular and proven effective in eradicating various types of local viruses, worms and variants.

Besides using its own antivirus engine, PCMAV 10 can also use the engine from ClamAV as a plug-in to strengthen the detection results of up to 800,000 more viruses. The team of PCMAV engineers also convincingly managed to find and develop their own a variety of the latest antivirus technologies that are reliable to overcome and protect your system from computer virus interference.

Some PCMAV Antivirus features:

  1. Real-time Protection: Advanced features that can prevent active malware in memory. Even without the need to manually scan.
  2. Block Program on USB / Card: For those who do not want to have active malware detected from a USB flash disk / card (such as in an office environment), use the feature to prevent malware that has not been recognized.
  3. AntiKeylogger: A feature that can prevent real-time keyboard keystrokes from most keylogger programs currently in circulation.
  4. Link Protector: A feature that can provide user protection when surfing. Able to prevent dangerous websites that have the potential to spread malware to phishing actions.
  5. Automatic Update: To update the database file by clicking the Update button on the menu.

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