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Download Pencil 3.1.0

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DARFILE.COM – Pencil is an application or software that is used to create a prototype of the user interface design or interface display of an information system. The programmer or developer will mostly make presentations to clients before executing the system design into the program code. The prototype making and presentation process is a very important and vital process. With this process, you can equate perceptions with clients.

So that the coding process can be more effective and certainly efficient. The risk of revision after the coding process is completed is also relatively smaller. But with what do you usually make a model to show off your system prototype? There are so many applications that you can use to make a prototype of an information system model. One of them is an application called Pencil.

The usefulness of a pencil

This application is not a pencil used for writing on paper. Pencil here is the name of an application. This application you can use to design or animate your information system design in a form of a user interface that is more user friendly, even before you make it. This will make it easier for you to explain the system that you are building to potential users or clients.

This application created and developed by Evolus is probably one of the best applications in its field. There are so many features contained in this application. This Pencil application provides various collections of built-in forms that you can use to create various types of user interfaces or different interface views ranging from desktop-based system user interfaces to mobile-based systems. You can even create user interfaces or interface views based on the latest mobile platforms such as Android and iOS.

In addition to making a prototype, this Pencil application can also be used to make a flow chart or what is more commonly known as a Flowchart. Of course, there are also various symbols and lines that you can use to design and create a flowchart.

After making a graphic with Pencil, you can export the image or graphic in various formats such as PDF, SVG, PNG, HTML and so on. In addition to exporting graphics, you can also link one page to another. With this feature, you will be able to produce not only a user interface that is easily seen, but also dynamic and very user friendly.

One of the great things again, this application is an application that is licensed open source. So you can download and install it for free without having to pay any additional fees for licenses and so on.

This application is multi-platform software, so it supports installation not only on Microsoft Windows, but can also be used and installed on computers with Linux and Mac OSX operating systems.

Download Pencil

Download the Latest Free Pencil by clicking the button below.

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