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Download TinyWall 2.1.8

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DARFILE.COM – TinyWall is an application that emulates add-ons that provide protection through firewalls with facilities through configuration options that do not require constant pop-ups or complicated settings.

TinyWall is equipped with a built-in rule which by default will block incoming or outgoing connections, in this case uploading and downloading data. You can use the application’s Whitelist feature manually, which allows you to use the study mode which will allow all traffic to run automatically.

This Firewall application also comes with an option to unblock all LAN traffic, which will limit incoming and outgoing internet traffic according to your settings.

Other features include options to protect password settings, detect threatening threats, block all integrated malware, while except, IPv6 support, and more.

Unblock all local network traffic. This feature can be very useful if you have many communication applications in your home or office network.

TinyWall has 5 Firewall protection modes:

  1. Normal protection: Protect your computer as usual as Windows Firewall.
  2. Block All: You cannot use the internet and laptops / computers cannot access the internet.
  3. All Outgoing: The computer can only send data to the Internet, but the computer cannot receive data from the internet to our computer.
  4. Disable Firewall: Firewall will be turned off automatically.
  5. AutoLearn: TinyWall will adjust security by itself.

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