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Download TreeSize 4.31

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DARFILE.COM – TreeSize is an application or software that can be used to organize files or documents on a computer and at the same time to monitor data and documents stored on a computer. As long as you use the computer, maybe you have felt a time when your computer ‘complained’ that he was full.

This can be ascertained is because the storage or storage that is on the computer is already full or full so that your computer is no longer able to save new files. What you can do so far is probably to do a disk cleanup as suggested by Microsoft Windows through the suggestion feature. Or also run CCleaner to delete temp files. But sometimes those things are still not significant enough to erase and breathe new storage on your computer.

The usefulness of TreeSize

If so, one alternative you can do of course is delete files that are not important. It will be very easy for you to delete these files if indeed you have saved files and data neatly and structured. But it will be a problem if you are not that type of user. If that happens to you, you can try an application called TreeSize.

This application or software is designed like a utility application, but is more specialized for hard drive / hard disk space analyzer. This application was created and developed by a developer or software developer named JAM Software.

This TreeSize application has several important features that might be useful for you. The first and perhaps the most important feature is its ability to organize all files on a computer. TreeSize also allows you to easily monitor the status of your files because this application will sort your file size data files in a list like an explorer in Microsoft Windows. That way you will easily choose and sort out which files or data are important and which ones should be eliminated and discarded.

You can also see the position of your files and data in the form of a pie chart. TreeSize will present it as a percentage. This TreeSize application also has a feature that allows you to see the status and size of your files in visual form. TreeSize will present an interesting 3D image so that it will be easier and more interesting for you while you monitor the status of your data files and data.

Download TreeSize

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TreeSize v2.1 for Windows 9x/ME

TreeSize v2.1 for Windows 2000 TreeSize v2.1 for Windows XP

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