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Download WinToFlash 1.13.0000

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DARFILE.COM – WinToFlash is a software whose function is to transfer Windows installation files from CD / DVD / iso files to a USB Flashdisk so that it can be used to Boot a Windows installation.

At the moment, there are a lot of Windows Operating System users, whether it’s Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 10. But there was a time when the Operating System was damaged.

For users who do not have a DVD Disk Drive such as a small Netbook, or the internal DVD Drive of their notebook computer laptop is broken, maybe this is quite confusing, because the only way to reinstall Windows, only via USB with a flash disk.

The first step before installing Windows with Flashdisk is that we must have a Flash disk that has Windows installed, then we make the Flashdisk the Windows Flash disk “Installer”. You can save the flashdisk as windows or reformat it for other purposes in the future.

Preparations that must be required to transfer Windows to Flash disk:

  1. Minimum 4 GB of flashdisk for Windows Vista, 7,8,10 and 2 GB for Windows XP.
  2. Windows source (can be from DVD or ISO file from Hard Disk).
  3. Wintoflash Software to Transfer Windows CDs to Flash disk.

Make sure the first boot option in the BIOS settings of your computer / laptop is the USB drive in the first position when reinstalling windows.

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