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Download WirelessKeyView Latest Version

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DARFILE.COM – WirelessKeyView is a free application for Windows PCs that can help you recover various types of wireless network security keys or passwords (WEP / WPA).

If you often use wireless or WiFi networks to connect to the internet via a PC or laptop, generally you only need to enter the network password once, the PC or laptop will connect automatically.

Therefore, because this password is rarely used, many PC or laptop users forget it, especially if the WiFi password used is very complex.

By using this one application, you don’t need to worry if you forget the password for the wireless network that you usually use because you can get it back easily.

WirelessKeyView Features

There are many free applications that you can use on a Windows PC to find security keys or WEP / WPA passwords, this application from NirSoft is one that is quite popular.

The number of users who prefer to use this application to find wireless network passwords is certainly not without reason, here are some of the features and advantages of WirelessKeyView that you need to know.

1. Simple and easy to use

If this is your first time using the application, you don’t need to worry about difficulties. The reason is, to find a wireless network password using this application is very easy.

You only need to run the application, after that this application will display a main window that contains all the WEP / WPA keys stored by the service “Wireless Zero Configuration” or WLAN AutoConfig.

2. Recover only saved wireless network passwords

If your purpose is to use this application to log into a neighbor’s WiFi, this application will not be able to help you.

The reason is, this application is only able to display saved wireless or WiFi network passwords unless you have connected to a neighboring WiFi and currently you forget the WiFi password, this application can help you to find the WiFi password again.

3. Control applications via command line

This application is also equipped with various command line options that can help speed up your work, there are many command line options that you can use such as the option to save all wireless keys to a text file and so on.

In short, if you forgot the password for a wireless or WiFi network that you have used before, WirelessKeyView is one application that can help you.

Download WirelessKeyView

Download the Latest Free WirelessKeyView (password rar: WKey4567#) by clicking the button below.

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