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Download Wise Data Recovery 4.14.218

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wise data recovery
wise data recovery

DARFILE.COM – Wise Data Recovery is an application that you can use to restore data, both formatted and accidentally deleted.

Data missing? or accidentally delete it permanently, maybe some of us experience it, many causes arise when we discuss data loss, one of which is our accidental deletion of our own data because we may be careless, sleepy or in a condition of not concentrating on what we do.

Another cause that often occurs is the damage to the system on our computer or laptop that causes our data to be erased either part of a file or part of a folder which will certainly make us dizzy especially the lost data is very important data and we are using it for our work or tasks.

Data loss on a computer can be caused by many things. For example anti-virus, system errors, corrupt, human errors and can also be caused by applications that are designed to work to delete old files automatically.

With Wise Data Recovery, the lost data is likely to be recovered, even though the success rate is not one hundred percent. But before panicking with the missing data, there is no harm in trying this free recovery application.

Has features that allow you to recover lost data. In addition, Wise Data Recovery is able to restore document files such as Word, Excel, txt and others. Not only that, image files (.jpg, .png, .gif), audio and video.

Other features of Wise Data Recovery are information about the condition of the files that were successfully recovered, whether “Good”, “Poor”, “Very Poor”, or “Lost”. Files that are likely to be recovered with the description “Good”.

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