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DARFILE.COM – YUMI is Freeware for Creating MultiBoot to Install Windows, Linux, Antivirus, and Utilities Using a USB Flashdisk.

YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer) is a development of MultibootISOs, this Windows software can be used for those who like to make a multiboot USB Flash Drive that contains an operating system, antivirus utilities, disk cloning, diagnostic tools, and more.

Unlike MultiBootISO which uses grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, this installer application uses syslinux to boot from extracted files stored on a USB device, and again uses grub to Multiple boot ISO files from a usb device (if needed). This software can also organize multiboot files properly in multiboot folder so that the remaining space on the usb device can be used to store other files.

Many ways or software that provides for PC reinstallation via FlashDisk, but for this time is the YUMI Application successor to MultibootISOs. it can be used to make Multiboot USB Flash Drives that contain operating systems, antivirus utilities, disk cloning, diagnostic tools, and many others.

Apart from several distributions, all files are stored in the Multiboot folder, making Multiboot Drive well organized.

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