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6 Quick Ways to Make Money From the Internet Proven to Produce

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You open this website page because you want to know how to get money from the internet. Really? Before I explain, you should know a little background of the potential of internet business in Indonesia today.

The growing number of internet users in Indonesia is currently experiencing a rapid increase. This directly provides an opportunity for many people to earn money from the internet.

If we consider, online business has become one of the business opportunities that are very promising today. How not, some online business people I know can have a monthly income with a fantastic amount. Their income tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars per month.

Maybe most of us will be tempted to start their own online business, but not yet know how to get money from the internet is right. If you are an expert internet marketer (online marketer), perhaps to make money from the internet is not something that is difficult.

However, different story if you are still newbie (newbie) in the world of online marketing. Never get the money, how aja still confused, just like I used to.

How to Get Money from the Internet

This topic is already often discussed in various media, whether it is online media or offline media. However, I think this topic is still relevant and there are still many people who are looking for information on how to quickly earn money from the internet.

Do not go far, try to note the time line your friends on Facebook or on Twitter, certainly many who talk about online business topics and discuss people who have income from the internet.

Well, I will discuss some types of online business that can provide income continuously. Some of the ones I discuss are based on my experience, and some are based on the experiences of my friends who are also making money online.

1. Getting Money from the Internet Through Advertising Programs on Website / Blog

As you can see in this blog or in some other blogs you’ve visited, ad space on blogs / websites is one effective way to earn money online. If abroad – especially USA – most of their blogs or websites are listed in the Google Adsense program, which is an advertising program owned by Google where publishers can earn money from clicks on Google Adsense ads on their blogs.

This program is called PPC (Pay Per Click), the publisher will be paid every click made by the visitor website / blog. The cost per click of the ad is pre-determined by the Advertiser (advertiser) with the bid system. In addition to Google Adsense, there are many other companies that offer the opportunity for publishers to earn money from their site.

Some of the online Advertising companies from overseas who offer the same program are,, While local PPC from within the country, among others,,, and others.

In addition to PPC programs, to earn revenue from a site can be by providing advertising space on the site. Usually quite a lot of Advertisers who are interested to put an ad on a blog if the blog has content with a specific topic and visitornya quite a lot. The price of this ad space is determined by the owner of the blog or it could be based on negotiations between Advertiser and blog owner.

Maybe you’ve heard of a publisher with a fantastic income. There are even publishers who can earn hundreds of millions to billions of dollars per month from their blogs. You are interested? Wait, it all takes hard work and it takes no time.

2. How to Make Money from Internet Through Android App

Currently there are several Android applications that we can use to get dollars from the internet. What I mean here is not making apps and making money from those apps, but using Android apps that offer programs to make money for their users.

How to make money from Android app? As a user, you have to do some things that the app developer requests. After completing the requested task, you will get a thank you from the application developer by giving dollars to your account. The value of the dollar may look small, but if collected regularly then the results will be quite large.

Some Android app proved to give money to its users include:

  • Whaff Rewards
  • Tap Cash Rewards
  • Grab Points
  • Cash Pirate
  • Uento
  • AppKarma
  • Gralpy

3. Make Money from the Internet by Becoming an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketers are people who sell other people’s products and earn a percentage of commissions (depending on the product owner) of each sale it does. This is one way to earn money from the internet that a lot done by online business people, both abroad and within the country.

Products sold by these affiliate marketers vary greatly, ranging from digital products, to products that are physical, or even a combination of both. Affiliate program that I follow is an affiliate program from, and

  • is a digital product marketplace works by indonesian people. Most of the digital products marketed in Ratakan are internet marketing-related products that are packaged in eBook, Software, and membership.

For you blog owners / websites that build content related to blogging, online business, and internet marketing, I highly recommend to join an affiliate marketer in Ratakan. Most of the products are sought after by internet marketers, and the range of commissions offered quite large, which is about 25% – 75% per sale of your affiliate link.

  • is the largest online store in the world, where most of its products are in physical form. Categories of products that are sold in the Online Shop is very much, ranging from cheap to very expensive, ranging from small to large. For example books, digital cameras, refrigerators, TVs, air conditioners, chairs, tables, toiletries, kitchen utensils, even underwear there are sold there. provides an opportunity for all website owners / blogs around the world to earn money from their affiliate program. The amount of commissions earned by Amazon publishers is about 4% – 8% of total sales, and depending on how many publishers are selling products from The more products sold, the higher the commission percentage will be.


Clickbank is a place that provides products in digital form, such as ebook, software, and also membership. This affiliate program is also very much favored by internet marketers around the world because the commission rate is very large. In fact there are some product owners willing to give up to 75% of the price of the product to the publisher.

In Indonesia alone there are quite a lot of affiliate programs that you can run. But I have not been able to provide a review on the local affiliate program because it has never felt the results.

One of the local affiliate programs I have tried is the affiliate program of Bhineka. However, until this article I created, there has been no progress that I get because I can not seriously run it.

4. Make Money from Multi Level Marketing Business (MLM) Online

If you’ve discussed the MLM certainly a lot of direct lazy to hear it. In the past, I did too. I do not like the conventional MLM business because of the system and how it works. Impressed the downlines were made like the work of corvee and uplinenya only motivated duties. Maybe this is just my mind, but in fact many members are finally giving up.

Besides, I also do not like the conventional working methods in MLM the old way. Members should frequently attend meetings, prepare presentations, persuade, follow up, and more. Certainly not everyone can do these things, including me.

Online MLM business is a Multi Level Marketing business that can be run online without having to interfere with daily activities. This is one way to earn money from the internet that made me interested in MLM business.

5. How to Make Money from the Internet by Opening an Online Store

The online store is a virtual store where customers can buy products sold in the online store directly from their website. Currently there are many businessmen who already have their own online store, whether it sells its own products or sells other people’s products with a reseller or dropship system.

I’ve run an online business by opening an online store where I sell other people’s products by dropship. I open an online store and display products that are sold online. If there are customers who buy and already transfer to my account then I will directly contact the provider of goods.

The lack of a dropship business is when the goods customers want to buy do not exist then the transaction will not happen. That’s why we have to work with a competent, reliable and competent provider. I personally prefer to open an online store by selling its own goods, fortunately more and we can manage the velocity of money and products.

It will work more and spend quite a lot of time, ranging from the provision of goods, packing, until delivery. It’s back to the business person, which is the best fit.

6. Making Money from the Internet by Selling Services Online

This business is also quite a lot done by online business. There are many types of services that people need and can be done online. Among them are the providers of article writing services, online promotion service providers, SEO service providers (Search Engine Optimization), and much more.

So if you have the skills – anything – you can sell them online. One of the types of services I have ever sold online is the services of building backlinks for a website and article writing article services. Apparently quite a lot of people who need this service.

Income that can be obtained from the services of the author of the article alone can be tens to hundreds of dollars per month. Depending on the number of requests from customers.


Actually there are still many ways to earn money from the internet that can be done. But that does not mean we have to do everything to get great results. We recommend choosing one or two types of online business that is suitable and able to do, do it seriously, and you will see the results.

Do some research for your business, and do the analysis to find out the progress of your internet business, keep the spirit, do it continuously. And see the results in a few days, weeks, months, or years. OK, this article is too long, this is all I can review about how to get money from the internet.

Don’t forget for share to your friends and subscribe this site. Hope to inspire you. Send regards for success!


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