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Tips to Best Eye Care

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Hello and good morning everybody, now i will share article for all of you about Tips to Best Eye Care. Let’s go for reading.

Tips to Best Eye Care

1. Take short breaks: avoid spending or sitting long hours before computer rather take short breaks in between and relax.

2. Don’t rub your eyes: this is the common mistake done by many people when something entered your eye, instead take others help to get rid off.

3. Drinking more water helps: by drinking more water you can reduce the puffiness of your eyes and makes you feel relaxed as well.

4. Take care of your diet: make sure that your diet contains spinach, tomatoes, citrus fruits, vegetables and foods rich in vitamins A, C and E.

5. Follow eye exercises: I would like to suggest one best exercise where you have blink your eyes for few second and then close your eyes, roll your eyes (eye balls) in clockwise and anti-clockwise. Make sure you do this in between your work. Follow yoga and meditation.


Eye care with Natural Home Made way:

  • Put sliced cucumber over your eyes to treat dark circles.
  • Put potato slices on your eye to get rid off those dark circles.
  • Soak amla overnight in water and use this water the next morning to wash the eyes.
  • Soak cotton in Luke warm milk and cover eyes with it for 15 min.
  • To soothe tired eyes, dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on closed eyes for 10 minutes. Now relax completely.
  • If your eye twitches, or your eyes are red and feeling itchy, massage your scalp with curd.
  • Soak 1 tsp. dry amla in one cup of water overnight. Next morning strain it through a muslin cloth and then add one extra cup of water. Splash your eyes with this solution each morning. This makes your eyes sparkle.
  • For Puffy Eyes: Grate a potato with its peel and apply on your closed eyelids for about 20 minutes and relax completely. You may even take a nap.

Maybe that’s all I can share, hopefully this article is useful for all of you. Don’t forget like, comment and share this article if you like, thanks!


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