Beranda English Article 4 Tricks Overcome Panic and Trauma Due to the Earthquake

4 Tricks Overcome Panic and Trauma Due to the Earthquake

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the earthquake
the earthquake

The quake could cause panic, anxiety, even resulted in trauma, if shocks are happened is very large. Hence, how to cope with panic? Quoting the psychotherapist’s site page, Stratos, there are several ways that can be done to overcome the panic and trauma after the earthquake. What are they? Here’s the review.

1. Set the Breathing

When the earthquake occurred, you can set up your breathing with closed his eyes and slowly inhale deeply. Preferably, use a respiratory difragma at the time of this breathing technique. After that, remove through the mouth slowly and feel the sensation of relaxation breathing. Use this breathing during 10-12 times.

2. Tell Us Your Panic

Earthquake pressure will make you feel panic. Instead, do not burrow yourself. Tell Your relatives or colleagues. That way, the panic that could potentially make the trauma due to the earthquake will be resolved.

3. Physical Training

Good news for you who often do physical exercise. Because when the earthquake, you should find a safe place to shelter. It requires good physical exercise, so that in the event of shocks, you can still maintain balance in the body. Preferably, do this exercise regularly.

4. A Good Night’s Sleep

After the earthquake, most people still felt the shocks. Whereas, the earthquake is no longer there. Try to go to bed. Do activity if you never can rest.


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