Beranda English Article Alert, These Items Can Trigger Thyroid Disorders

Alert, These Items Can Trigger Thyroid Disorders

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various trigger thyroid stuff
various trigger thyroid stuff

Did you know, if it turns out that discuss about the thyroid, inevitably will also discuss about the nonstick chemical substances which are frequently used in household appliances. Chemical substances can trigger anti this sticky problem on the thyroid gland.

In the year 2014 a study published in the journal Epidemology, scientists discovered more than 10 percent of the people exposed to drinking water containing perfloroctanoic acid (PFOA), is reported to have a thyroid problem.

After researching over 30 thousand people by way of comparing the levels of chemical substances in the blood and long last exposed in relation to thyroid problems–researchers can tell, they are exposed to PFOA is associated with higher thyroid problems.

PFOA is one of viscid anti troubled chemicals that go into the class of perfluorinated compounds, a group of chemical substances containing flouride with unique properties can make nonstick and stain-resistant.

The problem is, this compound does not decompose easily, and can be found left in the body. In addition to the diseases of the thyroid, it can also be associated with cancer, infertility, birth defects, and the weakening of the immune system.

These Items Can Trigger Thyroid Disorders

The following Prevention device alerts you of homes that could contain chemical substances nonstick, which must soon you avoid:

1. Pots and pans

Is good if you do not have to brush after cooking devices. Unfortunately, all the scratches and remaining on the device You mean anti Cook sticky, sticky anti chemical substances last entered into the food.

Change device Cook pot or frying pan made of steel, glass, or stainless steel. Although more hassle, at least you and your family so much healthier.

2. Device rain proof

Nonstick chemicals have properties water resistant. That’s the thing that makes them widely used as material for rain proof devices, such as raincoats, umbrellas, shoes and boots.

For more secure, now use jacket containing polyurethane. The rain proof device is coated with wax, or boots made from genuine rubber is the healthy choices are now more popular.

3. Paper plates

Each year, 64 billion cups and paper plates thrown. In addition to the trash factor, plate and paper Cup nonstick chemicals also contain–that serves to prevent leaking.

We recommend that you use a regular feeding device, albeit more hassle, but healthier.

4. Shampoo

Nonstick chemicals proved to be even able to hide in Your body care products. Fortunately, unlike clothes or furniture, body care products should have a list of composition.

Make sure you check out the list of compositions of any beauty products that you buy. Avoid products containing any chemical substance which name starts with perfluoro.

5. Dust home

Be wary of any effort to get rid of the stuff with PFOA, the chemicals may be still there in the air. Currently very many products using the nonstick chemical substances, which are then mixed with house dust.

To make sure your House stays healthy, make sure you have a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter and use it regularly. Then, use non-toxic cleaning that you made yourself.


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