Beranda English Article Discoloration of the Teeth

Discoloration of the Teeth

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Discoloration of the Teeth

Hello darsitek bloggers, this time i will share you article about Discoloration of the Teeth. Read this article to keep your teeth.

Discoloration of the Teeth


External causes:

Sediment surface where it settles to some dyes and pigments found in food on the surface of the teeth and This type of hypocrisy when a lot of tea and coffee, smoking and certain medications for patients Iron solutions anemia and some mouthwashes solutions that address gingivitis such as klorhecsudain, and can control this type of Discoloration pigmentation or by brushing the teeth regularly and conduct periodic teeth cleaning at the dentist twice a year.

Accumulation of bacterial plaque counties contain the bacteria, especially Lactobacillus and Streptococcus Mutans and limestone deposits (calculus) on the tooth surface as the lack of clean teeth properly, adequate and predictable can lead to the formation of bacterial plaque and tartar time occurs for this plaque and then stained to the color turns to dark brown or. This bacterial plaque can also be removed through the practice of oral health and home on a regular basis, which include brushing teeth and cleaning the spaces between the Sunni through the use of thread in addition to periodic cleaning of the teeth at the dentist twice a year.

Domestic reasons:

The pigmentation which arises from the interior of age , and spoke these Colouration often die after the age or after handling the nerve, and there are certain ways to clean and then teeth whitening .this reason have made the dentist with the knowledge that in most cases it is the culmination or coating Age processor that would bring the League of age for the original color.

The causes of defects:

It causes that occur in the heart of the Sunni structure of the material, such as during a dental discoloration caused by tetracycline use of the drug or the result of some dental diseases such as congenital diseases are poor or ill-Ivory is the port. This is in addition to that, even for the natural color of teeth is different from person to person and there is a certain color can be considered a color ideal for all human beings, where for each person to the appropriate color which corresponds with the color of skin, for example.


Methods of Treatment

Most of the discoloration of the teeth can be addressed in the following ways:

Brushing teeth at the doctor:

This is the basis where all roads should be cleaned at the dentist and polished and then not report whether there is a need for other therapeutic means.

Teeth whitening:

Through this method can be used chemicals with oxidizing properties as Hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, one of the most effective and which have been studied scientifically and saturated scientific research.

Where they are used multiple concentrations of which is used when a doctor in the clinic, including those used in my house, and the laser can be used with this material being bound upon to accelerate its work and the teeth whitening duration slightly shorter, but the laser will not change or improve the bleaching winning factor, as it accelerated the work of the Article bleached only.

Fillings label:

And here is the use of fillings kambozat label and similar to the natural color of the teeth on the surface of the teeth that Colouration, and can use this method does not work when the use of bleaching chemicals.

Ceramic crowns:

Used in cases of severe discoloration and in case of failure of the methods listed above, especially in case of a disease is bad in ivory or the port.

Maybe it’s just this article, hopefully can be useful for your teeth. Don’t forget share this article to you friend dan if you want to follow update, you can will subscribe this website.


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