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This Easy Trick Can Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

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urinary tract infection
urinary tract infection

For women, urinary tract infection (UTI) can be caused by many things. Starting from complications of diabetes, kidney stones, until too long put off waste water.

This Easy Trick Can Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

Fortunately, a new study has found an easy way to prevent infection of the urinary tract by drinking more water.

Previously, the doctor has indeed suggested at doctor who often experience a UTI. But now there’s data to back it up, said Thomas Hooton, MD, of the University of Miami School of Medicine.

“So it was nice to know that our recommendation is valid, and drinking more water is an easy and safe way to prevent infection is painful and disturbing,” he said, alerts you of Prevention.

This result is obtained after testing 140 perimenopause women who experience UTI at least three times in the past year. They also reported drinking the water in a little amount.

Then, half the women were asked to drink 1.5 liters of water per day for one year. While half of it not getting prompted to change their drinking patterns.

At the end of the period of the study, those who drank more water, infection decreased to 48 percent.

Because it has a shorter urethra, women have a greater likelihood of UTI than men exposed. This is because bacteria, so it’s easier to get into the bladder from the pubic area.

Drinking more water allows these bacteria more frequently covered out, and not stuck to the wall of the urethra so you can avoid a urinary tract infection, says Hooton.

Gives many other benefits

Not to mention, drinking more water also has many other benefits, added Heather Bartlett, MD, a family physician in Columbus, Ohio.

“Hydration can give an advantage in every cell in the body,” he said. “Basically, your body is like the fact you drink more water.”

He says, drinking more water can help overcome dry skin, constipation, digestive problems, and even weariness and the desire to eat sugary foods.

“If you want to create a useful resolution in the year 2018, buy large bottles of drink, and drink,” said Bartlett.


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