Beranda English Article Often Wrong, These 2 Foods People Think You Can Overcome Strep throat

Often Wrong, These 2 Foods People Think You Can Overcome Strep throat

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strep throat
strep throat

To overcome a strep throat, a lot of people thought the sweets without sugar or probiotics can help treat the symptoms or speed up recovery caused by a bacterial infection.

A medical report made the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom also mentions, chewing gum containing xylitol and probiotics can stimulate the immune system and kill harmful bacteria.

In fact, the study team found no significant benefit in clinical trials conducted over the past four years.

Not to mention, antibiotics are often used to treat strep throat. About 70 percent of the patients strep throat receive antibiotics, even though the drug is not effective at killing the virus, according to the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

President of the American College of Physicians, Dr. Jack Ende said, treatment of strep throat is considered axiomatic (proven by itself). However, there is nothing that really works.

Ende instead advised people with strep throat for not taking any antibiotic, but try the simple way. “You can gargle with salt water, downing a spoonful of honey or taking aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen to feel better.”

Find out the cause

In addition to trying the natural way, you also need to find out the cause of the symptoms of inflammation of the throat, Ende said.

“As temperatures cool. If you sneeze or cough, you may not experience a strep throat, “he said.

When such symptoms are mild, you do not need to see a doctor. According to Ende, enough rest and try the previous steps is enough.

But if symptoms are getting serious, such as a high fever or swollen glands, then you should go to the doctor.

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics for Your strep throat. “The antibiotics will shorten the healing time of a day or two, but even so, the strep throat will improve by itself.”


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