Beranda English Article The reasons behind the Plane Food Taste Bad

The reasons behind the Plane Food Taste Bad

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plane food taste bad
plane food taste bad

Some call that plane food feels uneasy because of the influence of environmental sound and ears of passengers.

Due to the extreme noise over 85 decibels, making quality food plane change in perception of the passengers.

“The senses-senses the body can respond to the dining environment so that changing our perception of food that is eaten,” said Assistant Professor of food science at Cornell University, Robin Dando. This review was published in the website of the Daily Mail in mid-2015.

However, the plane’s food tasted awful it is not always because of the influence of air pressure and the noise of the engine.

A woman who claimed to have worked as a stewardess, Shreyas P, said that the food served to passengers on aircraft really quite unhealthy and uncomfortable.

Word that a flight attendant on the plane Food

Based on the writing on Quora thread, as quoted from the website of the News, food on a tray served in front of the eyes of the already prepared by caterer plane 12 hours before departure.

“Even days before the departure of the aircraft,” wrote Shreyas P.

There is a special industry that is designated to perform tasks. Shreyas says how can the fruits given to available in a State already cut into pieces.

From what time it was cut? Have you ever asked the question like that?

The Condition Of The Actual Plane Food

A number of parties even capitalize on the condition the senses of taste does not work optimally for on air to “cheat”. Author of the book Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating, Charles Spence, argued, food on a plane filled with salt, sugar, fat, too.

Air pressure and aircraft engine noise make the ear buzzing. It caused the taste and olfactory senses passengers partially numb. So different while still on the ground.

“All that contributes to the inability of us taste and smell the airplane drinks and food,” said Charles, as quoted from the Daily Star.


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