Beranda English Article Science Say, Romance Can Change The Senses Of Taste

Science Say, Romance Can Change The Senses Of Taste

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romance can change the senses of taste
romance can change the senses of taste

Have you noticed, first time singles, you do not like cheese. However, now after you have romance, suddenly you so very fond of cheese. This does not apply only to cheese.

According to a new study published in the journal Appetite, the sense of taste and smell can change your appetite over time. These senses change to align your tastes with your partner in a love affair.

The researchers studied 100 couples who had been in contact for from three months to 45 years. The couple then checked their response to various odors and flavors.

They find, the longer the couple shared, the more similar their taste. This applies evenly, no matter whether their relationship is satisfactory or not.

Mutual Influence

The reason? “When couples share living quarters (including a kitchenette and a fridge), and the food on a frequent basis, they will most likely eat similar food,” said researchers.

And when you eat something new, or you rarely eat before, your taste choices can follow and change.

So, if you would like to invite couples to eat healthier, start from yourself. Chances are, the couple gradually will follow.


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