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The Secret to Losing Weight

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secret to losing weight
secret to losing weight

Hello, how are you today? Of course good. Now i will write article aboutย The Secret to Losing Weight. Maintaining a Journal, it has been proven time after time, that those people, who write down everything they eat and drink and make a record of all of their activities, have a far better chance for success at losing weight than those who do not.

The Secret to Losing Weight

Did you ever keep a diary or a journal? Sometimes just writing down your dayโ€™s events can help relieve stress and put things in a different perspective. The same goes for keeping a diet and exercise journal. By writing down everything you eat and drink, you come face to face with what works and what doesnโ€™t.

By writing down everything you eat and drink you are taking responsibility for what you are eating. Maintaining the journal gives you a clear and concise evaluation of which foods work for you. Recording your activities helps to chart your progress as you improve flexibility, build strength and increase stamina.

You see, in order to be successful at anything, you have to master the task in your mind first. You have to make a plan to succeed. When you put the plan into writing, you give yourself proof of your commitment to achieve the goal.

Losing weight is not easy. It takes courage, commitment, inspiration, motivation and a great amount of faith. Keeping a journal will help to keep you on track, keep you inspired and motivated and will remind you of the commitment you have made to yourself.


When you begin your journey to achieve your desired weight, you should record your present weight and all of your measurements. As you progress through your weight loss goals, it will be fun to look back and see how far you have come.

Remember to write down everything you eat and drink; that should include all of your snacks that you consume too. Pay special attention to the amount that you are eating as well as any sauces that you add to your foods.

The journal is such a simple tool that brings about a tremendous amount of success. I strongly urge anyone who wants to lose weight and get in shape to keep a journal. It is truly a guaranteed way to keep you accountable and help you to become the woman you are meant to be.

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