Beranda Premium Theme Tema WordPress Newspaper Premium

Tema WordPress Newspaper Premium

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tema newspaper wordpress
tema newspaper wordpress

Newspaper adalah tema WordPress yang memungkinkan anda menulis artikel dan posting blog dengan mudah. Kami menawarkan dukungan yang luar biasa dan bantuan yang ramah.

Ini adalah surat kabar dan surat kabar terbaik yang tersedia. Tema bestseller ini sangat cocok untuk blogging dan sangat baik untuk situs berita, koran, majalah, penerbitan ataupun ulasan. Tema ini mendukung video dari YouTube. Dukungan AMP dan siap digunakan untuk seluler. Sesuai GDPR, temanya cepat, sederhana, dan mudah digunakan untuk cryptocurrency, fashion, makanan, gaya hidup, modern, pribadi, perjalanan, mewah, viral, minimal, proyek minimalis dan masih banyak lagi.

Terintegrasi dengan Instagram, Forum bbPress, BuddyPress dan WooCommerce, menggunakan praktik SEO clean terbaik. Newspaper mendukung iklan Google yang responsif dan AdSense.

Template List:

  • Homepage – We have a lot of homepages in the main menu of the demo
  • Search – unique SEO optimized search template
  • Blog index
  • Author – post count, comments count and author widget
  • Category – breadcrumbs, subcategories and category description.
  • Tag – easy tagcloud navigation via widget
  • 404 template – with latest posts
  • Archives page


  • All the blocks – please select your block from the top. You can mix and match them. All of the content blocks support ajax pagination and subcategories (including slides).
  • Live search with ajax and up down keys
  • One click demo install – NO MORE .XML files, with just one click you have the demo data installed.
  • Powered by Visual Composer – the best Drag and Drop page builder.
  • Woocommerce support.
  • Custom bbpress styling + custom login system – you can now build a community with ease.
  • Custom auto scaling content blocks – a block changes it’s structure to work perfectly (in sidebar, full width or pages with sidebar).
  • Responsive Google AdSense support via our custom admin panel – the scripts loads a different google adsense spot for each screen size. Once it’s loaded it doesn’t modify it in order to be 100% compliant with Google adSense TOS.
  • Responsive ads support – for ad networks that allow multiple ad spots on the same div or if you want to show your own ads on different devices. This option will change the ad spot on the fly, for example when a tablet is changed from landscape to portrait. (the header banner from the demo site is using this system).
  • Inline Google AdSense or other ads after a predefined number of paragraphs.
  • Auto youtube, dailymotion and vimeo thumb downloader – just paste a youtube url and the site will download the largest image available from the clip automatically and it will set it as a featured image. Very easy to add videos to articles.
  • Built in review system (stars, percents, points).
  • SEO: Schema with rich snippet microdata for articles and reviews.
  • Built in translation support from our admin panel. No more .po .mo files, you just get a form with all the strings from the theme and the corresponding translations.
  • Multi Language site support via the free qTranslate plugin. All from wp-admin.
  • Google fonts – change the fonts easy from the Theme panel.
  • Sticky navigation menu – with option to enable, disable or enable only on big screens (not on phones).
  • Each category has:
    • 8 category templates styles
    • 12 category top posts styles – each with 7 unique grid styles
    • 19 custom module style (loop style)
    • custom colors
    • custom background image
    • custom sidebar + position(left, full, right)
  • Unlimited sidebars – each post, page, category can have it’s own sidebar. Also the author, search, tag, blog index templates all have custom sidebars
  • Built in related posts based on tags, author or category
  • Easy Google analytics support (just paste the code in our admin)
  • 14 footer layouts
  • Custom pagebuilder elements
    • Big Grid slide
    • 12 Big Grids
    • 25 Blocks
    • Social counter with 10 unique styles
    • Instagram widget
    • Weather widget
    • Exchange widget
    • News ticker
    • Video playlist
    • Text with title
    • Ad box
    • Homepage post
    • Popular category
    • IOS Slider
  • Custom widgets
    • Popular category widget – show most popular category
    • Author box widget – show authors sorted by number of posts, or by name
    • Social counter widget – a social counter that shows numbers of likes, followers or subscribers
    • Ad box – allow you to select an ad zone (you define the responsive ad zones in our panel)
    • 25 Blocks
    • Instagram widget
    • Weather widget
    • Exchange widget
    • Slide
    • Text with title

Tema Newspaper buatan TagDiv ini adalah tema yang paling laris terjual di themeforest. Dengan begitu banyaknya fitur-fitur diatas, banyak perusahaan yang sudah menggunakan tema ini. Bagi kalian yang ingin langsung membeli tema Newspaper dan lisensi aslinya, silahkan langsung saja ke  Themeforest.

Bagi teman-teman yang mungkin merasa kemahalan atau ribet menggunakan dollar, kalian bisa membeli tema Newspaper 8 disitus ini dengan harga terserah berapa, seiklasnya teman-teman saja. Link download tema beserta cara instal dan aktivasinya akan saya kirim lewat email.

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