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What Causes High Blood Pressure?

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Causes High Blood Pressure
Causes High Blood Pressure

Hello and how are you today? Of course good all right? Now i will write article for all of us aboutย What Causes High Blood Pressure?

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

When we think of someone having high blood pressure, we usually consider them to be anxious, tense or hyperactive.

The truth is that high blood pressure, or hypertension, can affect just about anybody and you don’t need to have high stress levels to have this medical condition.

So what does cause high blood pressure? In most cases scientists cannot be sure what causes it. Initially it causes no obvious symptoms but can produce some serious and long term complications. Many people can have high blood pressure and not even know it, but more alarmingly, they are more prone to complications such as heart disease and heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure.

Blood pressure does have a tendency to rise with age, however certain pre existing medical conditions can cause hypertension. Chronic kidney disease, sleep apnea and thyroid disease can all cause a rise in blood pressure as can some asthma medications, cold relief products and the contraceptive pill.

I have already stated that most people will not even know they have high blood pressure, but there are a few symptoms that you can watch out for:

  • Persistent / frequent headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting (very rare)
  • Dizziness, becoming lightheaded and suffering with Vertigo
  • Blurred vision
  • Nosebleeds
  • Palpitations
  • Shortness of breath

Even though there is no one direct cause of high blood pressure, a few other factors can determine whether or not you are more prone to the condition.


If you have a family history of high blood pressure, you are overweight, rarely exercise, consume more than the RDA of alcohol, have a high salt intake or have a high fat diet, then you are more likely to suffer with hypertension.

Studies at the Tulane Center For Cardiovascular Health (USA) have also shown that those who were born with a low birth weight are likely to develop the condition as they get older.

The good news is that the condition can be medicated, but with a few simple lifestyle changes, high blood pressure can even be prevented.

Just remember that prevention is better than cure, particularly if you find you have a family history of the condition so start looking after yourself today for a better you!

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