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Why Many People Fail in Online Business? 4 Reasons It’s The Main Cause

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Fail in Online Business The Internet offers a huge variety of lucrative business opportunities, and many people have proven that online business is very promising. But why do so many people fail in online business?

Failure can happen to anyone. Either in any case someone can experience failure, including doing business online. Beginning of the famous online business in Indonesia, many who feel exited and immediately try it. However, over time I see more people fail in building their online business.

In fact, if we talk about business information on the internet is very easy to find today. Simply search on google alone, sure to get it. Then, why do so many people fail in online business, and what exactly is the cause?

Based on my observations, there are at least three things that are the main cause why many people fail in online business. Here’s a quick review:

The main cause of failure in online business

1. Surrender in the Middle of the Road

Actually a person can not be said to fail if he has not surrendered. When it has not made it to its destination, a person is ‘forced’ by circumstances to bring out all the best in him. And this is the reason why many successful people must have experience of failure over and over again.

Many people say online business is easy and small capital, but still in running an online business there are many challenges that will be faced. When a person does not get the expected results, his spirit often fades. This will always be faced by the online business.

One of the biggest challenges in doing business is from ourselves; feeling lazy, lack of commitment, and easily give up. When a person gives up, then at that moment he has failed.

I has failed many times in my life and that is why I am successful – Michael Jordan

2. No Focus on Running an Online Business

What I mean is not the focus here is not because of outside interference, such as a frequent girlfriend phone – although this can be a problem. But what I mean is not focus because self is easily tempted by the income of others.

I noticed that the average beginner who just started an online business too often bought eBooks and ecourse. This is what makes them never mastered one type of online business.

For example, when a beginner is learning online sales and then see a sizable colleague of his income from Google Adsense. Then, this newbie ‘over the profession’ buy eBook tutorial learn about Google Adsense. Not finished learning tutorial about Google Adsense, the beginner then buy the tutorials eBooks make Android game applications …. so on and on.

Actually not wrong buy eBook or join course about online business. However, it should start from the beginning first determine the type of online business that will run. Then, you can buy tutorials related to the online business that was involved.

Keep in mind also that learning and practice also takes time. Nothing can be done immediately in a short time, just go through the process with a happy heart.


3. Lack of Practice but Many Complain

This is a problem that I often find in most beginners. The practice is few, and when you encounter problems complain immediately. The advantages and disadvantages of an online business must exist, and this must be addressed with the mindset that we are building a long-term business. Do not complain easily!

There is one experience with a beginner who wants to learn blogging, call it his name Alex. Several times Alex sent an email to me asking about blogging. Alex had no experience at that time.

I explained that the world of blogging will not be separated from the writing activities. Alex complains that he can not and does not like writing. Then I suggest trying to write simple things, like something he likes, Alex keeps complaining and says he can not.

Then I suggest trying to rewrite someone else’s article, and I give an example of how to rewrite an article. Still, Alex complained that the activity was a waste of time.

Finally I say to buy articles only from online authors. But again Alex complained about having to spend money on articles on his blog.

Furthermore, I never again replied to Alex’s email. Even when he emails more than ten times, I no longer reply to his email. Often complaining will build a negative aura in a person, and keep him away from positive people who were willing to help him.

4. Less Understanding Online Business is Running

Not a few beginners assume that online business is a business that can easily make money and get rich quick. There are indeed many ways to earn money from the internet, but not necessarily be a long-term business.

There are also beginners who think more and more types of online business is run then the money will be even greater. They are too quick to conclude about a business without understanding it as a whole. And when that happens, then this becomes a great opportunity to experience failure in online business.

To be successful in online business, we should understand about the online business as a whole. No need to be an expert in order to successfully run an online business. However, we need to understand the online business model, how to run it, and how to optimize it.

With this basic knowledge, we will be able to find strategies and approaches that best suit the type of online business that is run. And when someone understands about various online business models, then he will know what kind of online business is suitable to run.

The above are some of the causes of the failing beginners in online business. By knowing this information it is expected that the beginners understand their mistakes all this time and try to fix it.

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