Hemorrhoids are one of the “popular” diseases. Many people often hear about the disease that the place is somewhat cornered this, but rarely who knows what exactly hemorrhoid aka ambeien.
In English, ambeien are called hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids). But actually, hemorrhoids are not a disease, but tissue tissue in the anus. Launch Prevention, here are 11 things you must know about hemorrhoids aka hemorrhoids.
1. Everyone has hemorrhoids
“I like to tell people that they all have hemorrhoids,” says Alexis Grucela, MD, a colorectal surgeon, who is also an assistant professor at NYU Langone Medical Center. “This usually makes them shocked!”.
But apparently, hemorrhoids are normal, he explained. “They are an anal tissue that gives us support in the anal canal,” he continued. Just like the pelvic floor muscles that help prevent leaking urine when you, for example, cough or laugh, hemorrhoid wipes do the same to stool and gas.
“It is only when they become symptomatic that people begin to live up to their existence,” Grucela continued. “Usually, they just do their job.”
2. Not everyone has a painful hemorrhoid
There must be a very big problem before the normal anal tissue becomes sick, itchy, or swollen properly you might imagine suffering from hemorrhoids.
The key cause is abdominal pressure, Grucela explained. It can be caused by straining when in the bathroom, chronic constipation, excessive abdominal weight, pregnancy, or even long distance running.
“We think the pressure causes tissues to become attracted and weakened over time,” Grucela said. The pull causes the vessels from the hemorrhoids to widen, bringing more blood in the area, which then causes the hemorrhoids to swell and can bleed. As a result, the emergence of hemorrhoid disease.
3. Patients with hemorrhoids are many
From 1 in 20 Americans have symptomatic hemorrhoids, and your risk increases with age. About half of individuals over 50 years old have to deal with this painful problem, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
4. There are two types of hemorrhoids
They are internal and external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids occur right in the anus opening, says Grucela, and they are coated with skin. Because it is wrapped in skin, they also have nerves, which means this is a hemoroid accompanied by sensations such as pain, itching, and burning.
Internal hemorrhoids are present in the anal canal. You certainly can not see it, and because it is not coated with skin, you will not feel the symptom.
However, internal hemorrhoids have the possibility to bleed, and if the situation is so severe, they can get loose, and get out of the anus.
5. Painful, but harmless
Despite the description, hemorrhoids sound very painful, but the hemorrhoids have little chance of endangering your health. They have nothing to do with cancer.
The only cause for more serious concerns is, when you are constantly bleeding which may lead to anemia, Grucela says. However, this rarely happens.
6. But that does not mean you do not need to see a doctor
People quickly come to a conclusion, whatever symptom they feel in the buttocks is hemorrhoids. This makes them take the initiative to buy drug hemorrhoids in the pharmacy to treat it. But do not miss a visit to the doctor.
“Especially with internal hemorrhoids, where you can not see where the blood comes from, it could be something more serious,” he said. “Anyone with new bleeding or blood in the stool should talk to a doctor, we can expect it because of something basic, like a hemorrhoids, but this symptom is also similar to colorectal cancer.”
Not to mention, continuous symptoms can be caused by other things, such as warts or tears (fissures), which require a much different treatment.
7. Monitor habits defecation
You should not treat the toilet as a refuge, Grucela said. “I see a lot of people behaving as if the place is a place of escape from work, life, and everything,” he said.
“A lot of people spend long periods sitting in the toilet, even when they are not really constipated, they play games or read on mobile phones.”
In addition to being very, very dirty, it is also bad for the buttocks. Sitting with her butt opens her toilet bag creates pressure on the anal tissue, which contributes to making blood gather in the hemorrhoids and make it swollen.
“A good bowel habit is the first step of treatment for people with hemorrhoids,” says Grucela. “Limit time in the toilet, do not bring reading material, and leave your phone outside.”
8. Constipation is the main trigger
All the pressure and pull that increases when you constipation can lead to an inflamed hemoroid. Curing constipation is the second step of hemorrhoids treatment, Grucela said.
And the best way to do that is to make sure you are always hydrated. Eat enough fiber to help bind water in the stool.
“In this way, the stool will soften and get out in a more untraumatic way,” he said.
The ideal stool is that which can come out without effort, you almost feel no need to wash it though it certainly should. If you are still clogged, it may need constipation. “But most people can handle it by drinking enough and eating fiber.”
9. Hemoroid ointment may not help
“Most patients do not feel the ointment helps,” Grucela said. If you are looking for a fast way of handling, take a soak in warm water. It can help to irradiate the area.
In fairly rare events, serious hemorrhoids may need to be removed. Doctors use a variety of different techniques to do so, including ligation (which uses rubber to, essentially, “strangle” the hemorrhoids off), infrared treatments, and, as a last resort, surgery.
In fairly rare events, serious hemorrhoids may need to be removed. Doctors use a variety of different techniques to do so, including ligation (which uses rubber to, essentially, “strangle” the hemorrhoids off), infrared treatments, and, as a last resort, perform surgery.
10. Do not blame spicy food
Spicy food can indeed cause various digestive problems, but hemorrhoids are not one of them.
Your favorite cayenne will not make the hemorrhoids swell, but they can cause similar itchy symptoms.
11. No need to cancel vacation
Travelers ending in hemorrhoids are often known to blame this on their land trips, Grucela said. When sitting for hours without doing anything.
“People tend to constipate when traveling,” he said. “They eat and drink different foods, and they may also be dehydrated, and they then push and push, and eventually swell the hemorrhoids,” he said.
“Drink plenty of water while on the go, or consider taking fiber supplements or taking constipation drugs during the holidays.”